
Apakah Suara Sekitar Anda Menghilang? Ketahui Tanda-Tanda Awal Gangguan Pendengaran yang Sering Terabaikan!

Gangguan pendengaran terjadi ketika kemampuan mendengar menurun secara bertahap. Kondisi ini sering dipicu oleh proses penuaan atau paparan suara bising dalam jangka waktu lama. Telinga manusia...

Oct 15 2024
Post by TKS Media

Want Your Blood Pressure to Always Be Stable? Here's a Practical Tool to Monitor Your Health at Home!

You are someone who cares about your health, especially if you have a history of hypertension. Keeping your blood pressure within normal limits is a top...

Oct 01 2024
Post by TKS Media

Prepare This Before It's Too Late! Important Equipment That Can Save Your Family's Health!

Disasters can strike at any time, and preparedness is key to protecting your family. An emergency kit is more than just a tool, it’s an important...

Sep 26 2024
Post by TKS Media