Ini yang Terjadi pada Tubuh Saat Berolahraga dan Jangan Lupa untuk Relaksasi!
Healthy , Informasi Olahraga , kesehatan , Olahraga

This is What Happens to Your Body When You Exercise and Don't Forget to Relax!

Exercising not only makes the body healthier, but also brings many interesting changes to our various body systems. When you move actively, your body works extra hard to support physical activity, and behind it all there are amazing biological processes. Let's see what happens in the body when you exercise!

1. Muscles: Helps blood circulation more smoothly

When exercising, the body's muscles actively contract. This movement not only supports physical activity but also helps smooth blood circulation. Muscle contractions act like a natural pump that pushes blood back to the heart faster, ensuring that oxygen and nutrients are distributed properly throughout the body.

2. Brain: Happy Hormones That Make You Relax

Exercise also has a direct impact on the brain. When you move, your body stimulates the production of happy hormones such as serotonin and dopamine. These hormones make you feel calmer, more relaxed, and happier after exercise. It's no wonder that many people feel more refreshed and energized after completing a workout.

3. Heart: Increased Beat Rate, Maximum Blood Flow

During exercise, your heart rate increases significantly to compensate for the higher oxygen demand. Blood flow to hard-working muscles can increase up to 20-fold! This process trains the heart to become stronger and more efficient, supporting overall cardiovascular health.

4. Lungs: 15 Times More Oxygen Draw

The lungs are also busy during exercise. With the need for oxygen soaring, the body increases the breathing rate up to 15 times the normal rate. This ensures that the muscles get enough oxygen to continue moving optimally.

5. Skin: Sweat to Maintain Body Temperature

When the body works hard, the body temperature increases. This is where the skin plays its role. The body begins to sweat up to 1/4 liter per hour to help cool the body. This process ensures that the body temperature remains stable even though physical activity is taking place.

Relaxation After Exercise with the Right Equipment

After exercising, hard-working muscles need time to relax again. This is where a tool like the Omron HV-F013 plays a vital role. With its advanced technology, this tool helps relieve muscle tension and provides maximum relaxation. Make muscle recovery a part of your exercise routine to ensure your body stays comfortable and ready to get back to work. Exercise does have incredible benefits for the body. So, don't hesitate to get active and enjoy every process that happens in your body!

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