Ingin Anak Bebas DBD Sepanjang Musim Hujan? Coba Langkah Simpel Ini!
kesehatan anak , Minyak Telon , Perlindungan Anak

Want Your Child to Be Dengue-Free Throughout the Rainy Season? Try These Simple Steps!

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a serious disease caused by a virus carried by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. The rainy season is often a vulnerable time for DHF, because mosquitoes easily breed in stagnant water. In DHF sufferers, a decrease in the amount of fluid and platelets often occurs, causing symptoms such as high fever, headache, vomiting, muscle and joint pain, and the appearance of red spots on the skin. This requires us to be more vigilant and protect the environment and body from risky mosquito bites.

The Governor of DKI Jakarta reminded children to wear long-sleeved shirts and apply telon oil when doing outdoor activities as an initial step to prevent mosquito bites. Telon oil containing lavender or eucalyptus aroma can indeed help repel mosquitoes, but it should be remembered that this is only an additional measure, not the main protection against dengue fever. The use of telon oil is more effective when accompanied by other comprehensive preventive measures.

Simple Steps to Protect Your Home from the Risk of Dengue Fever

One of the main ways to prevent dengue fever is to ensure that there is no standing water around the house that can become a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Make sure containers that can hold water, such as buckets, pots, or old tires, are drained regularly. You can also plant mosquito-repellent plants such as lavender around the house to help prevent mosquitoes from entering.

Fish farming in ponds or tanks is also beneficial, as fish will prey on mosquito larvae. Other steps include installing wire mesh on windows and vents, fixing blocked drains, and using mosquito repellent if necessary. The combination of these steps will create a safer environment from mosquito bites that cause dengue fever.

The Importance of Nutrition for a Quick Recovery from Dengue Fever

In addition to external protection, a healthy diet can help speed up recovery for dengue fever sufferers. Consuming papaya leaves, for example, can significantly increase platelets. Pomegranates, which are rich in vitamins and minerals, are also useful in increasing energy and speeding up recovery for dengue fever patients. Coconut water, which is rich in electrolytes, can keep the body hydrated during the healing period.

Also, turmeric and orange are other good choices for dengue sufferers. Turmeric has antioxidant and antiseptic properties, helping the body fight infection, while orange with its vitamin C content can boost the immune system. By combining various preventive measures and good nutrition, we can maintain health during the rainy season and reduce the risk of dengue fever.

Keep your family healthy this rainy season with extra protection from mosquito bites that cause dengue fever. For additional protection, telon oil with a mosquito repellent aroma can be an effective and easy-to-use choice. Visit The Kingdom Shop to find quality telon oil products and other health tools that can support prevention and health care at home. Also get complete information and useful health tips on our website to keep you and your family healthy.