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Is it OK or Dangerous? These are Important Facts about Cold Breast Milk for Babies!

Some mothers may experience pain while breastfeeding due to sore nipples, so they choose to express breast milk and store it in the refrigerator. But is it safe to give cold breast milk to babies?

In general, cold breast milk is safe for healthy babies, and frozen breast milk can even help relieve gum pain during teething. However, it is important to ensure that breast milk is stored properly to maintain its quality.

And, based on research published in the Menoufia Medical Journal, premature babies are advised to consume breast milk that is close to normal body temperature. This is because consuming cold breast milk in premature babies can trigger feeding intolerance, which is characterized by bloating, reflux, and excess stomach residue, and can cause complications such as apnea.

In addition, if the baby is used to breastfeeding from a slightly warm breast, it may make him not want to consume as much cold breast milk as usual. If this happens, the mother can warm the breast milk to room temperature.

Safe Way to Thaw Frozen Breast Milk

If breast milk is stored in the refrigerator until frozen, the mother can thaw the breast milk before giving it to the baby. Basically, thawing is the process of thawing food or drinks that have been frozen in the refrigerator.

In this case, it is important to use breast milk that is stored in the refrigerator first (first in, first out). This is because the quality of breast milk can decrease over time, so it is not recommended to store it for a long period of time.

Here are some ways to thaw frozen breast milk:

  • Put the frozen breast milk in the refrigerator. This breast milk can last up to 4 hours for use in the next feeding. Then the breast milk can be stored in the refrigerator for 24 hours, but should not be frozen again.
  • Place the frozen breast milk (and its container) in warm or lukewarm water (below 37 degrees Celsius). Frozen breast milk can also be thawed in warm enough open air or in a container filled with warm water. Furthermore, breast milk can last 4 hours or until the next drinking time, but should not be frozen again.
  • Place frozen breast milk under running water at lukewarm temperature until it thaws.

Keep in mind, avoid thawing or heating breast milk in the microwave. Because, it can destroy the nutritional content in breast milk. In addition, thawing breast milk using a microwave can also cause breast milk to be too hot so that it is feared that it will make the baby uncomfortable, or even cause a burnt tongue. In addition, never refreeze frozen breast milk that has been thawed.

Tips for Storing Breast Milk to Maintain Its Quality

In essence, mothers do not need to worry too much if they want to give cold breast milk to babies as long as they are healthy. Most importantly, mothers need to pay attention to how to store expressed breast milk properly so that its quality is maintained. In this case, there are several tips that mothers can do to store expressed breast milk, including:

Use special food-grade glass or plastic bags with tight lids to store breast milk. Avoid disposable bottles and always label the date of expression. Breast milk can be stored for up to 4 hours at room temperature, 4 days in the refrigerator, and 6-12 months in the freezer.

Store breast milk bags in the refrigerator, not in the door, to keep the temperature stable. Do not store leftover breast milk for future use. Expressed breast milk should be drunk until finished and then discarded. Freeze breast milk if not used within 72 hours to maintain its best quality.

It can be concluded, it is okay to give cold breast milk to your baby as long as he is healthy. And with various shapes and motifs of Milk Bag Storage from The Kingdom Shop, because you can give the best for your baby. Don't wait any longer! Get it now and make your breast milk storage more practical and safe. Shop now and enjoy reliable shipping services throughout the archipelago!