Tips Merawat Kecantikan Wajah dan Kesehatan Kulit
kecantikan kesehatan

Tips for Caring for Facial Beauty and Skin Health

Every woman certainly wants to have a beautiful face and healthy skin. It's just that, many people think that beauty tips and maintaining healthy skin are difficult and troublesome. However, is that actually the case?

Efforts to maintain healthy skin and facial beauty are actually not that difficult. You can do it yourself without the help of others. Apart from that, you can do this effort without having to spend a lot of money.

15 Beauty and Health Tips for Skin and Face

In an effort to maintain the beauty and health of your skin and face, there are 15 tips you can try, namely:

1. Exfoliation Method

beautiful tips

The first beauty tip is to make it a habit to exfoliate. Exfoliation is a method that you can do with the aim of removing dead skin cells. That way, the surface of your skin will not be dull, clean and look radiant.

You can do exfoliation yourself at home using various types of products on the market. You can do this by using products in the form of scrubs, masks and toners. As an alternative, you can also use the services of a beauty doctor to exfoliate.

2. Regular exercise

beautiful tips

The next way, you need to get used to exercising regularly. Exercise is very important in helping you maintain fitness and body endurance. At the same time, exercise has positive effects on the body, such as preventing signs of aging such as wrinkles, thin skin, or baldness.

You can allocate a little time for exercise, approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour per day. The choice of sports activities that you can do can be adjusted to suit your individual abilities. You can try yoga, jogging , aerobics, cycling, and so on.

3. Drink enough water

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The body needs an adequate supply of water to stay healthy. When your body experiences a lack of water, you will experience various skin-related problems, such as dry, itchy and dull skin. If this continues in the long term, the skin will look wrinkled.

So, how much water do adults need? In general, the average body fluid requirement for an adult is around 230 ml. However, the level of need can increase according to body weight.

4. Avoid alcoholic drinks

beautiful tips

A beauty tip that is no less important is to avoid drinks that contain alcohol. The alcohol content in drinks has a bad impact on the skin. The body can easily become dehydrated. Apart from that, excessive alcohol consumption also has a negative effect on liver function.

5. Don't squeeze acne

beautiful tips

Many people have the habit of squeezing pimples. You need to avoid this habit, because it risks causing infections on the surface of the skin. Apart from that, there is also an additional impact in the form of the risk of inflammation and it is possible that there will be acne scars that are difficult to remove.

6. Remove Makeup Routinely

beautiful tips

Makeup is a necessity for every woman. However, also make sure that you clean your facial makeup regularly. You need to clean it every night before going to bed.

The activity of removing facial makeup is very important. Makeup can clog pores. Apart from that, you will also find a pile of dirt mixed with sweat. As a result, the skin becomes dull and wrinkled.

7. Avoid the habit of washing your hair every day

Washing your hair really makes your body look fresher. Just avoid the habit of washing your hair excessively. The reason is because shampooing your hair too often can remove the natural oils your scalp needs. As a result, the skin looks drier.

8. Protect skin from direct exposure to sunlight

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Next, you need to pay attention to the next beauty tip, namely, protecting your skin from sun exposure. Ultraviolet radiation from sunlight has the risk of damaging the skin.

To overcome this, you can use sunscreen when doing activities outside the home. You can apply sunscreen at least 30 minutes before leaving the house.

9. Wash your face properly

The correct way to wash your face also plays an important role in maintaining the beauty of facial skin. With the right method, your face can be maximally clean. There are several steps on how to wash your face correctly, namely:

10. Use moisturizer

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Maintaining skin moisture is very important so it doesn't dry out. You don't just need to do this by drinking enough water. At the same time, use moisturizing products regularly.

You can use moisturizer every day, especially in the morning before starting activities. That way, the surface of the skin remains moist and does not become dehydrated.

11. Use a healthy diet method

beautiful tips

Diet is the right method for maintaining beauty and healthy skin. However, you need to ensure that the diet method you practice is a healthy diet. How to? You can go on a diet by increasing your consumption of healthy foods, especially vegetables and fruit.

12. Get enough rest

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The need for rest has a very significant influence on skin health. Make sure that you allocate enough rest time every day. Apart from that, lack of rest time also has a negative impact on overall body health.

13. Don't use beauty products carelessly

Something that is no less important in maintaining healthy and beautiful skin is the use of beauty and body care products. Don't be lured by cheap products. Make sure that the products you use are made from safe ingredients.

Apart from that, pay attention to whether the product used is registered with BPOM or not. In addition, pay attention to product packaging. Avoid buying beauty and care products that have expired.

14. Fulfill Nutritional Needs for Skin

You must pay close attention to your skin's nutritional needs. There are several efforts you can make to meet these needs, such as:

15. Perform regular skin and facial care

beautiful tips

"Make sure you do regular skin and facial care, okay?"



Mine Beauty

caring for beautiful skin is very much liked by many women in the world. of course the same as me. click the link below for beauty care tips….


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